Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Destiny - An Epic Lie of Biblical Proportions

Okay, so this is not the subject I was going to discuss tonight but it has been weighing on my mind. Destiny is a very heavy word. Or maybe more apropos - we have to decide if it's real, and if so, does it throw it's proverbial weight around? I would like to believe in destiny. It seems so easy. Whatever happens is meant to happen. If it's happy or completely tragic - find the lesson to be learned because it was meant to be. That level of ignorance is certainly bliss. How many people suffer under this delusion? The idea that everything that happens in your life and the lives of others, is destiny or aka inescapable fate. So if that is true, one must assume that there is absolutely no hope in trying to create your own? Sadly, I think a lot of folks end up here - they stop trying because everything is in the hands of those mysterious fates ladies. Well, it seems to me that this is nothing short of superstition and it is not so common sense.

Let's bring destiny into the petri dish shall we? I mean seriously - can you really wrap your head around 220 people boarding a plane and discovering that their destiny is to die that day on that plane? Who could orchestrate something on that scale? God? Well maybe if you believe that he or she is that powerful and vindictive. But I happen to think that that particular being gave us something called free will which completely overrides destiny. We are not automatons folks. We have freedom of choice. And I think it is the series of choices that lead us to a final outcome that we erroneously call fate or destiny. So, let's keep that in mind at every fork in the road - wherever we have a choice, think about it carefully and try to predict what the impact of any decision will be in the future.


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